To help ensure our members’ happiness and a successful convention, we have established a Code of Conduct and Behavior Policies for all members and staff. Please read this document and help us have a safe and welcoming Grand Rapids Comic-Con for all!
How to be a Good Samaritan
Report convention-related issues, comments, or suggestions to staff. If your issue is an emergency (such as requiring medical, law enforcement assistance, etc.), let us know immediately so we can help.
Plan ahead for your day at Comic-Con and take care of each other. Our staff will always do their best to help where they can, but they can’t be the substitute to your planning.
If security or a staff member makes a request of you, please listen and do as they ask. Otherwise, you may be asked to forfeit your badge and leave the premises.
If you feel uncomfortable with the request, and/or if you feel it was inappropriate, you are entitled to review of the instruction by another staff or security member.
Always ask cosplayer’s permission before taking pictures of them or video recording them.
Properly use the trash receptacles and recycling bins provided, (they are located all over the convention center!) as a clean comic-con is a great one!
Help keep the event bathrooms clean and safe, like your mother is coming for a visit! Report any issues to event and/or venue staff.
Keep all activities in the convention hall appropriate for the general audience and children. While we want everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves, this is a family-friendly convention and all attendees must respect that.
Prohibited Behavior
The possession of and/or engagement in alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs/substances, dangerous items, sexual relations in public, or any illegal activity is strictly forbidden on the convention premises.
Attendees found in violation of this policy will be have their badge revoked with no refund, authorities will be notified, and you will be escorted from the convention.
If you are openly intoxicated, you will be asked to leave the show and escorted off the grounds by our security staff.
Bullying and harassment (sexual or otherwise) will not be tolerated. Individuals who violate others’ space, privacy, property, or person will be ejected from the event with no refund. Staff or Security can and will contact local law enforcement if warranted.
All clothing and cosplay must be street legal. Staff members have the final say in what is appropriate and individuals may be asked to change their attire or leave the premises if necessary.
Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times, no exceptions. Grand Rapids Comic-Con is not responsible for the care of children, family, friends, etc. Staff or security are not a substitute to a care-giver of any kind.
Entrances/exits must not be blocked and the hallways will remain clear. Security and/or staff will enforce these rules as a matter of public safety. There is plenty of seating available inside the convention center for those who need a seat to relax.
No loitering in the narrow hallways of the convention center.
This convention has a no-smoking policy, including the use of e-cig or vaping products. If you must smoke, please do so outside at least 25 feet from the doors of the facility. Please utilize a designated smoking space at the convention center.
Public displays of affection should be limited for a public setting and in the presence of children. Grotesque behavior, speech, or conduct will be cause for revoking your badge and you will be escorted off of the premises as well as reporting to the local police if any laws were violated.
Do not touch/hug/glomp any person without their permission.
No outside food or beverages are allowed inside the convention hall. You may bring in a water bottle but it must be empty upon entering the building. There will be food and beverage options available.
No solicitation of any money or selling of products is allowed. If you have a product to sell then you must buy a booth in the vending hall.
Solicitation Policy
The only people allowed to sell anything at the Grand Rapids Comic-Con would be vendors who have a booth in the exhibition halls. People who have collections they wish to liquidate may sell those to vendors at the event but not to individual patrons.
Vendors and clubs that have booth space at the Grand Rapids Comic-Con may distribute printed promotional materials related to their business or club as long as their distribution is limited to their vending space and the free literature table. Any person distributing literature of any kind through any distribution method without permission will be removed from the event and their badge revoked without a refund.
There will be a free literature table that will be available for all patrons to place items about their business venture or event. All materials must be PG in appearance and nature as well as not promote any kind of political, religious, or social agenda. Any items that do not fit these policies will be removed from the free literature table and disposed.
Costuming Policy
We love Cosplay at the Grand Rapids Comic-Con! Here are a few items to consider when preparing your costume for cosplaying at a Grand Rapids Comic-Con event:
The Grand Rapids Comic-Con show is a family-friendly event, so keep your costume PG-13 or cleaner. In other words, nothing overtly violent or sexual in orientation will be allowed.
Naked is not a costume, nor is body paint to replace any clothing item.
Bathing suit parts must be appropriately covered. No thongs or exposed butt cheeks.
Ladies, limited cleavage please and no under or side boob
Gentlemen, if you are wearing spandex or a bodysuit, please wear a sports cup or dance belt underneath.
If your costume includes a weapon of some sort, make sure that the weapon is visibly and obviously fake. Weapons should be made of plastic, foam, rubber, or some other form of softer material. All guns must have an orange tip and are not allowed to shoot any type of projectile (darts, water, etc.). No steel or metal weapons will be allowed. The Grand Rapids Comic-Con has the right to not allow certain weapon props into its events.
Absolutely no cosplay that is inflammatory, racist or discriminatory in any way.
Make sure to prep any mask you may be wearing so that you can see appropriately!
Please be aware of the circumference of your cosplay! Having large aspects of your cosplay (such as armor or wings) can take up much of the aisles and hallways. Be aware and keep yourself and others safe when exploring the convention (having friends who can act as you “cosplay handlers” are not a bad idea to consider).
See our Costuming Policies and Tips here!
Discrimination Policy
West Michigan Convention Ventures LLC, the parent company of the Grand Rapids Comic-Con, does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, age, handicap, sex, religious affiliation, national origin, or sexual orientation. All individuals are to be treated equally at the Grand Rapids Comic-Con by all persons associated with the event.
Harassment Policy
The Grand Rapids Comic-Con is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable convention experience for everyone. Harassment of any kind, including assault, battery, intimidation, stalking, unwelcome verbal contact, any other malicious or harmful behaviors or any other unwelcome contact, will not be tolerated.
If you are found to be in violation of this policy, punitive measures up to and including confiscation of badge, removal from the convention, and/or police involvement will be taken. Moreover, unlawful activity will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and with the full cooperation of West Michigan Convention Ventures LLC, the parent company of the Grand Rapids Comic-Con.
The Grand Rapids Comic-Con is not responsible for solving any interpersonal problems that may arise between event attendees.
Unless a specific and credible threat is made toward the convention itself, we can take no action to prevent a person from attending. That said, if you feel threatened, assaulted, harassed, or bullied while attending the convention, please notify staff or security personnel immediately and we will take appropriate action.
False accusations of harassment will be treated as acts of harassment perpetrated by the accuser. Our Staff and Security team will work to resolve the matter in the fairest way possible for the given circumstance. In cases without credible evidence, the Grand Rapids Comic-Con reserves the right to ask both parties to leave the convention if a mutually agreeable resolution cannot be found.
If you feel that a threat exists against your person or your life, we greatly advise you to seek a court-approved Personal Protection Order (PPO) against the individual in question. If you have a previous PPO from a past incident and feel that the individual in which you filed against would attend the Grand Rapids Comic-Con, we encourage you to inform the event of this. You must present the order to Event Director Mark Hodges in advance of the convention by emailing him at We can make sure the individual is contacted and that a request is made for that person to avoid the event.
The event staff at the Grand Rapids Comic-Con is committed to creating an epic annual event for all of the fans out there. We want to make sure that every fan who attends, including ones that may have specific special needs, has an amazing and memorable time.
Handicap Accessibility
Every room at our venues are handicap accessible. There is ample handicap parking around the buildings that is clearly marked. The bathrooms all have handicap facilities.
Seating at Film Festival and Seminars
There will be space saved in each seminar room and the film festival for wheelchairs. This space is limited so make sure to get in line early. Although we will do everything possible to accommodate people with special needs, in order to be fair to everybody attending the event we will not provide early access to the vending hall or other events or the ability to skip lines. We will allow you to have other people to stand in your place in line. We also can not guarantee attendance to every seminar or autograph signings, although we will do our best to make sure you have the quality experience you deserve like everybody else.
Guide Dogs and Service Animals
Service/Emotional Support animals must be leashed and/or under the handler's control at all times. Any inappropriate behavior (barking, urinating/defecating in building, running up to attendees or other animals) will not be tolerated and the animal will be required to be removed from the building. FAQ about service animals/ADA
Large Print Programs
Copies of the program in large print will be available for those who need them. They will be located at the information desk in the main lobby at no charge.
All staff at the Grand Rapids Comic-Con will be clearly marked with a badge around their necks and wearing a logoed black golf shirt. If you have any questions or special needs please feel free to ask.
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please feel free to write co-owner Mark Hodges at